Shree Jana Netra Secondary School modi-2 kaden


MODI-2-KADEN                                                                                                      PARBAT-NEPAl
Shree Jana Netra Secondary School is located in Kaden-8,Deupur. It lies in country side just above Patichaur within the altitude of 1220 meter. You can tap here for the location"jana netra s.s map  location ". Here is a picture of the satellite location of Shree Jana Netra Secondary School.

I wish that this will help you for the further information of this school.


In our school there are many facilities that a student wants in his studying time likewise:clean and peace environment,modern education like,teaching with audio video materials by using projector ,laptop,E-library etc.We can get other many facilities here like, fans for every class,free wifi,one classroom with a projector and laptop, library,science lab,computer lab, well qualified teachers,,a beautiful environment,play ground,and many games for refreshment,with proper education.

our respectable teacher:::---
principal:-  Dipak sharma  sub:science
vice principal:-Bhumi raj sharma sub:maths
:-Indra Timilsina sub:english
:-Ram gaudel  sub:h.p.e
:Dipendra Gautam sub:account
:-Ganesh Khadka sub:english
:-Suray Parsad Sharma sub:social
:-Gyanu Hamal sub:education
:Prem Poudel sub:o.p.t,science
:-Narayan Poudel sub:computer+accountant of school
:-Bishow Malla Thaquree sub: math,social
:-Sita Subedi sub :Nepali
:-Devendra Chapagain sub :English,health
:-kul Parsad Timilsina sub :Nepali
:-Mahendra Lc sub:h.p.e

<some of the memorial picture of teacher>

The environment of the school is very peaceful which is suitable for the study. The place is away from sound and noise pollution. Similarly, the school is surrounded by forest and natural beauties which will attract and motivate students for study.Likewise, there are many programs held by this school. some of them are afforestation and sanitation program, cultural dance and folk song competition, talent show, Global Quiz competition, annual programs and so on. here are the some events which are taken while doing programs:

*sanitation program (cleaning) on school area

School is the place where students come for taking education. And clean environment is one of the most needed thing which help to motivate students on study.For that we students used to clean our school every Sunday and there are some picture of cleaning program.


We know that, On 2072 baishak 12 and 28 the most dangerous and deadly time has came in  Nepal and that is  the earthquake which destroy all of our famous and ancient places. And our school is one of them which had suffered from that deadly time.Many people died unexpectedly on that earthquake.Our school had destroyed completely and some of the well wisher of our school who came like god and helps us on our sad moment and remade our school . Some picture are as below:- 

*picnic and educational tour pictures

In our school we used to go on educational tour and picnic every year because for collecting outer knowledge about different culture,festivals,caste,from different parts of Nepal.from our school our different batch of students went for picnic and educational tour like ,Chitwan, Lumbini ,Gorkha, Darjelling, Ilam ,Hetauda, Janakpur etc......



In our school our teachers organize different kinds of extra activities like,dancing,singing,quiz competition,speech competition,spelling context,acting etc. 
